Vivaldi's music
Vivaldi's music

Bach shared the interest among German composers in the latest music from Venice and, although his travels were severely limited, he had access to manuscripts. Handel went to study and work in Venice from 1706 to 1710 and mastered the Italian style. Vivaldi’s music was quite popular in his day and the Italian style based in Venice was studied by composers throughout Europe. His first collection of concertos, opus 3, known as “L’estro Armonico” (the “harmonic spirit” or “harmonic inspiration”) is dated 1712 and is said to be the catalyst for Vivaldi’s fame spreading throughout Europe. But Vivaldi composed more than 500 concertos. Most people are familiar with the concertos of Antonio Vivaldi (1678-1741) known as The Four Seasons written in 1723. 3 (L’estro Armonico) Engraving by François Morellon la Cave (1725) Vivaldi claimed to have composed over ninety operas of these, at least fifty titles are known through references, libretti and fragments, and approximately twenty complete operas survive to the present day.Vivaldi, Concerto No. In addition the his programmatic setting of the Four Seasons, he wrote solo and ensemble concertos for all of the important instruments of his time, including violin, recorder, cello, keyboard, oboe, flute, bassoon, mandolin and lute. To support a complete video of a work, please make a donation on our donate page or contact us directly.Īntonio Vivadi completely reinvented the baroque concerto in the early 18th century. To help create a video which will be a permanent addition to our digital library, please consider supporting us. This project is halfway complete: we have finished filming Winter and Summer and need to film Spring and Fall. Voices of music is filming Vivaldi's Four Seasons in 4K, ultra high definition video. Antonio Vivaldi: Concertos, the Fours Seasons, motets and opera arias

Vivaldi's music