Ubuntu install jdk 8
Ubuntu install jdk 8

Enter the following source code and save as "" under the " ~/myProject" directory created earlier. File Explorer ⇒ Home ⇒ Create a new folder called " myProject" to keep our works.Step 2: Compile and Run a Hello-world Java Program Rerun the configuration file by: // Refresh $ source /etc/profile // Check the new settings for JAVA_HOME and PATH $ echo $JAVA_HOME Open a Terminal and issue these commands:Įxtract the downloaded package (Check your downloaded filename!) $ cd /usr/local/java First, create a directory "java" under "/usr/local". You can use the Azul’s APT repository, download a DEB package manually, or download a binary TAR.GZ package. We shall install JDK under "/usr/local/java" (or Ubuntu's default JDK directory /usr/lib/jvm or /opt/java). This section explains how to install Azul Zulu builds of OpenJDK on Debian or Ubuntu, or other supported Debian-based operating systems. Java 8 is required for developing Android applications and as such you need to install Java first.2. Fast emulator for quickly running and testing Android applications.

ubuntu install jdk 8 ubuntu install jdk 8

Intelligent code editor which helps developers completing code for Java, Kotlin and C/C++.Visual layout editor which can be used to build complex layouts visually and generates code with ConstraintLayout.Throughout this tutorial, we'll see how to install Java 8 and Android Studio on either Ubuntu 18.04.Īndroid Studio by Google is the official IDE for building Android mobile applications so before you can do any Android mobile development you need to have a development machine ready with Java 8 and Android installed.Īndroid Studio has the best and fastest tools for building apps for each type of Android devices.Īndroid Studio has many features such as:

Ubuntu install jdk 8